Clear Lens Exchange

Clear Lens Exchange, also known as Refractive Lens Exchange, involves removing your natural lens of the eye, and replacing it with an intraocular lens implant. The lens implant can be customized to adjust for your glasses prescription.

Am I a candidate for Clear Lens Exchange?

  • Over 50 years old
  • Require glasses all the time (ie not just for reading)
  • Healthy eyes
  • Realistic expectations

Clear Lens Exchange vs. Laser Vision Correction (LASIK or PRK)

  • LASIK and PRK are generally used to correct DISTANCE VISION ONLY in the age group from 20-50 years old. People who have laser vision correction will eventually need reading glasses.
  • Clear Lens Exchange can also correct for reading glasses (presbyopia) when a multifocal implant is used.
  • Clear Lens Exchange is able to correct much larger prescriptions than LASIK and PRK
  • Clear Lens Exchange is intraocular surgery, whereas Laser Vision Correction only reshapes the front surface of the eye.